29 years old, living in an RV, and moving into a new office
Tomorrow’s my big day – I turn 29 years old! I can’t believe it. For me, this is the age in which you really question yourself – what you’re doing, where you’re living, and the things around you. So with that in mind, let’s see… I just temporarily moved to LA to work on getting together a TV show. Check. I’ll be living in my RV right outside the production company I’m working with. Check. I’m not getting paid. Check. I haven’t held a “real” job in almost a year. Check. I’m going to be on my first late show (Craig Ferguson) on Wednesday. Check. And this all is feeling pretty strange. Check.
But I do have an office now.
click here to watch a short about moving into my new LA TV production office
And as a side, right before leaving SF, I saw this happy little reminder someone taped to their window. It puts all this into perspective.
Filed under 002 National Dinner Tour, intss blog by on Jul 18th, 2005. Comment.
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Comments on 29 years old, living in an RV, and moving into a new office
Happy Birthday! I’ll be watching! Do something cool just for me…like pull your earlobe Ala Carol Burnett!