# 3 is the Winner!
Thanks for all of your votes on the 1,2,3,4,5 posting (see http://ineedtostopsoon.com/2005/08/1-2-3-4-5.html).
Card 3 is clearly the winner. So as promised, I will perform the action written on the reverse which reads, “Float an ice cream sandwich across town; see how far you can get.”
Above is a schematic of how I plan to go about this delicate experiment. I will tie several large helium balloons to the ice cream sandwich, preferably while it is still in the freezer as not to waste valuable frozen moments. And in order to cover as much distance as possible in the short time I have before the sandwich melts, I will use a high speed battery powered hand fan to help propel the contraption forward.
I’m guessing I’ll get a couple blocks.
If I could only figure out a way to keep the sandwich frozen longer – any suggestions? This would be a big help.
Filed under intss blog by on Sep 21st, 2005. Comment.
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Comments on # 3 is the Winner!
Dry Ice should keep the sandwich colder… Also the ice cream sandwich isn’t heavy enough to keep the balloons at a constant height. Will you attach the fan to the the sandwich, or some other weight to the sandwich?
Find an ice cream shop or other restaurant that has a ‘batch freezer'( a freezer that keeps frozen goods at insanely low temperatures) and ask them if you can keep it in their freezer overnight.
Funny, I was about to say dry ice…that bacth freezer idea however sounds good too, mix those together. I think the dry ice would allow you to add some weight to keep the balloons at a constant height. And it’s definatly true about those batch freezers, once something comes out of there, it takes a good long while before it starts melting, and if you try and bite into soon after taking it out of that freezer, you may break a tooth or two, I know I almost did once. It’s like dipping the thing in liquid nitrogen…hey, if you find some of that maybe you could use that too…