A Couple Lines of Business!
1) I had my 2nd celebrity sighting ever. I was ordering an egg bagel and low and behold, George Constanza was right behind me. I complimented him on his all leather fanny pack.
I didn’t have a camera with me, but I recreated the moment here:
My first celebrity sighting happened at ABC when I ran into the Fonz, Henry Winkler. He told me I looked as if I had come off a time machine. What?
2) Concerning my last post “Vote on a Date for my Mom”: Come on people, let’s get my mom a NICE date. So far in the running, we have an ex-engineer, a guy who shoots porn, a guy from Santa Barbara, an Italian-American who hates questionnaires, and a 35 year old from Turkey. You can read about them here http://www.ineedtostopsoon.com/a_date_for_mom/date_main.html
3) The Human Video Game Experiment will hopefully happen this Sunday – Free Piggyback Rides on Rodeo Drive is in the lead with 39 votes. But you can still make The Subway Group Portrait happen though, it is only 6 votes behind with 33 votes!
4) My very good friend, shooter, editor, and collaborator, Hak Lonh is pretty sick. He has been having spells of vertigo and I worry about him. Say something nice about him to someone and if you like, please send him a get-well e-mail to hak.lonh@gmail.com. I’m sure he’d appreciate it!
5) I’ll be showing at the ArtLA with Stephen Cohen Gallery from Jan 19 – 22. ArtLA is an international contemporary art fair, and strangely the only Los Angeles has. If you’d like more info about the fair visit Stephen’s website, http://www.stephencohengallery.com/, it is under Art Fairs in the top main menu.
I’ll be collaborating with a good ole friend, Ryan Mulligan. We’ll be doing a 11 one-hour talk-shows appropriately called The Other Show. Guests include, a girl that can cry on command, a math teach who thinks he’s funny, a crazy inventor, Johnny Appleseed’s great, great, great something -or-other, a creative consultant for an advertising firm, a hypnotist, etc.
If you would like to be on the show or know of anyone who you think would be perfect, please e-mail me, marc@ineedtostopsoon.com. Also, if you’d like to help organize the show or help out in any way please get in touch with me.
We are seeking funding, but I know how it is asking random people from the internet for project seed money, eh; I thought I’d try it anyhow. If you are a company, individual, angel investor, venture capitalist, what have you, and you give money to make the show happen, we will mention your name during commercial breaks and print out a banner with your name, logo, whatever, and hang it up. Get in touch with me if you are interested, 510.872.7326, or marc@ineedtostopsoon.com.
Thanks for tuning in.
Filed under intss blog by on Dec 14th, 2005. Comment.
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Comments on A Couple Lines of Business!
Incredible, I have no idea how you do it! Keep making us laugh!
p.s. I’m the guy from New York who just gave you $ 50 for your ArtLA show. Break a leg!