Crack the champagne! Good news for intss – the incredible Dazed & Confused magazine included me in their list of top 50 websites! I got all excited about it, like when you find a wadded up 20 on the ground.
Check it out:
Here’s a link to the top 50 list – there’s some REALLY innovative work there –
Here is a direct link to my write-up –
It’d be GREATLY appreciated if you voted on my site (ALL 5 STARS OF COURSE)! The top voted site’s owner gets an all expenses paid trip to Akron, Ohio with Bob Barker. Or something like that.
Support your local ice cream vendor and thanks for visiting!!
Filed under intss blog by on Jun 21st, 2007. Comment.
Finally, an invention that sucks up dust and debris and spits out a tasty breakfast cereal.
I was getting worried this would never happen.
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Jun 21st, 2007. 1 Comment.
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Jun 21st, 2007. Comment.
This was supposed be a sketch of a normal person sweating hamburgers.
It looks like a police sketch of a potential criminal sweating hamburgers
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Jun 19th, 2007. Comment.
Finally after weeks of cookin, it’s here. Let me know what y’alls thinks. What you like, don’t like, to slow, too fast, to busy, not busy enough, love the animated gifs? etc.
Thanks and keep stoppin by. Some good stuff for next week – The Parking Lot Talk Show!!!
Filed under intss blog by on Jun 17th, 2007. Comment.
Unfortunately you can’t see that new little drawing right up there on the yellow fold. So here it is bigger til I get that fixed.
enjoy your weekend.
Filed under ------- 005 Information, intss blog by on Jun 15th, 2007. Comment.
1) make a suit of armor out of shinguards
2) make an igloo out of igloo coolers
3) get blue food coloring.
[tags]cooler, shinguard, marc, horowitz[/tags]
Filed under ------- 005 Information, intss blog by on Jun 14th, 2007. 1 Comment.
Information is this week’s theme. Loose as it is.
This is the past week in my world of information.
Filed under ------- 005 Information, intss blog by on Jun 13th, 2007. Comment.
If the spam you get in your e-mail, on your front door, or on your car just isn’t doing it for you, make your own and for yourself. Join in the new revolution of personal spam. Here’s a good one!!
[tags]marc horowitz personal spam get rich sleeping[/tags]
Filed under ------- 004 Spam, intss blog by on Jun 7th, 2007. 2 Comments.