I believe more men should hug men. So I ventured to the most manliest of places in the US, Roswell, Georgia, and started the first chapter of the Men Hugging Men Club. Think about, Mothra and Godzilla hugged, and they were both men! It doesn’t have to be frowned upon anymore. Join today! It’s male bonding time! (Sorry no ladies).
p.s. I do have menhuggingmen.com but have yet to put a site there. This is gonna be ginormous people.
Posted by email from marchorowitz’s posterous
Filed under 040 Signature Series, intss blog by on Aug 29th, 2008. Comment.
What if restaurants and waiting rooms had scratch-and-sniff walls? So while you are waiting to see your dentist, for example, you could go around the room and scratch certain parts of the wall and smell different things. Is this totally impractical, like a nose hair trimmer that simultaneously scratches your chin when you use it or a toilet that plays Neil Diamond’s “America,” when you flush it?
Disclaimer: I’m not sure what my deal is in writing “today” in the title of these last two posts, cause it implies that I may be doing this everyday, and I won’t.
Posted by email from marchorowitz’s posterous
Filed under 001 Imagination, Everything Else, intss blog by on Aug 28th, 2008. Comment.
#1 – him walking around w/ parrot on his shoulder
#2 – her walking around w/ parrot in portable case
Cast your vote in the comments!!! This is extremely important!
Posted by email from marchorowitz’s posterous
Filed under 001 Imagination, Everything Else, intss blog by on Aug 27th, 2008. 2 Comments.
I joined the most ridiculuos site a couple weeks ago on a friend’s recomendation – badoo.com. A complete waste of time and for the most part the only people on there are either form Russia, China, or Japan and are looking to mate and marry. Here is a message I received this morning from a “potential.” I encourage all of you to e-mail her if or if not you intend to find love by “means of the internet.”
— Wednesday, 06 August 2008 09:11
You wish to continue dialogue with me?
I wish to find the present love by means of the Internet.
You want the attitude with me?
If I am interesting, I shall ask you to write on this address: nadejdakrasotka@gmail.com
I shall wait. Nadya
Posted by email from marchorowitz’s posterous
Filed under intss blog by on Aug 26th, 2008. Comment.
check it – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Horowitz. Add to it, hate it, love it, make a sandwich out of it, make a sandwich and read it, don’t read it, send it to your mom, send it to your dad and grandma, throw your computer while trying to read it, roll it up and smoke it, fart on it, kick it, go to the grocery store man and get your self a beer and celebrate with it, bake it like you would a turkey, turn it into a franchise, rename your hard drive after it, copy the link and send it to 10 people or you will explode, invest all your money in it, take it with you to work, call in sick and stay home to read it, use it as an excuse to get your own, slowly fade your monitor’s brightness while reading it, play some awesome death metal while you pretend to read it, flyer it at your local cafe, make a business card with it on there, send me money.
Posted by email from marchorowitz’s posterous
Filed under intss blog by on Aug 26th, 2008. Comment.
I’m so proud of this one, yes like a 3 year old is proud of his first fart in the bathtub – http://twitter.com/ineedtostopsoon !!
Posted by email from marchorowitz’s posterous
Filed under intss blog by on Aug 25th, 2008. 2 Comments.