This is just one of my newest farm animal-vegitable hybrid creations. I also have the carracow (half cow half carrot) and the lechelamb (half lamb half leche fruit). Look for me in the papers! I’m gonna get seven jets and a remote controlled bear skin rug!
[tags]roostapotata, animal, rooster, potato, awesome, cow, carrot[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Jul 31st, 2006. 2 Comments.
I did a little research today and found out that in many urban areas in Southern & Central California there is a Jack in the Box fastfood restaurant within three blocks of every hospital! I honestly think they are planning a strategic attack on their friendly, harmless, neighboring hospitals. Here is what one of their attacks might look like:
Here’s how this would happen: The Jack in the Box restaurant would literal fly up on top of the hospital and surround it with a forcefield so nobody can get in or out. Then it would unload it’s alien employees and possessed foodstuffs into the hospital, where they would shoot super deadly lazers at everything. The chicken sandwich is the most dangerous cause it can cloak itself and change size whenever it wants. It gets so small and then flys into your body and expands, and then you can guess what happens.
This is going to happen; it’s only a matter of time before it does. Beware and warn others of this plan!!
The only way to defeat these jack in the box aliens is with lightsabers – you can get them at most jedi shops or Kmart.
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Jun 27th, 2006. Comment.
Fart noises are completely captivating, irreverent, and can serve as hours of entertainment. these little stupid noises cross all boundries of race, age, gender, sexual preference, soci-economic status, and bring us together as one!!!
Making fart noise is a proven way to relieve stress and freak people out. I’ve put together a little video of a couple fart noises – really stupid.
here are a few links to other good fart noise videos:
This one is a little different, but very funny, dubbing fart noises is funny too
I’m going to post an “Today’s Action” every so often and then you gotta try it out and post your results in the comment section. Not the ideal method, but it’ll work in the meanwhile.
Now, go out there and make some fart noise videos and post a link to it in the comments section!!
note: is the best place to post videos; then just copy and paste your link.
Filed under 037 Video, intss blog, Projects by on Jun 27th, 2006. 3 Comments.
and he made me this video. It’s a war now!!
[TAGS]whitey, whitebread,cant, dance[/tags]
Filed under 037 Video, intss blog by on Jun 10th, 2006. 1 Comment.
I was told last night by my friend Miguel that he always wants to call my site, so I thought I’d just run wih that. I’ve secured the domain name, and I will have it up and running in the next few weeks hopefully.
Basically it is a site entirely dedicated to pictures of spooning. And very, very soon you’ll be able to submit photos of you or your friends, strangers, pets, trees, etc. engaged in the loving act of spooning. And you can craeat your very own spooning profile.
This is exaclty what the world needs now!
If you’d like to submit spooning pics now, please send em to me at marc at ineedtostopsoon dot com with a caption and I’ll just start posting them. Thanks and I look forward to this!
I am not picking up the art of focusing very quickly – dammit.
[tags]spooning, spoon, love, hug, project, website, action[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Jun 9th, 2006. 1 Comment.
This is the start of a video remix project I’d like to try out.
The idea is that someone will download the original video titled “000 Video Remix Project – BETA” from Google videos. He/She will remix the video, then repost the modified video, now titled “001 Video Remix Project – BETA,” to google videos for someone else to download, remix, and repost as “002 Video Remix Project – BETA.” And so on – 003, 004, 005, etc.
Here’s the instructions:
1) DOWNLOAD the most recent remixed video – look at the number in the title. Here is the very first version –
To make sure you have the most recent, you can do a search on google video for “video remix project – BETA” and pick the highest number. Make sure you choose the correct format – I find that “video iPod” is the only format that works on macs and “windows/mac” works only for windows.
2) REMIX the video!! Add stuff, subtract stuff, make it all new, have a piece of pizza fly through the scene, whatever you want to do!
3) REPOST your remixed video to google videos. Here’s how to do this: (a) sign-in or sign up for a google video account. (b) If you don’t have it already, get the easy-to-use video upload software from google at . Download the appropriate version of the software, depending on which platform you use, and install it. (c) open the video upload program upload your remixed video. (d) Then go to your google video account and click on the video to add all the necessary info. (NOTE: DO NOT post your remix at – noboby will be able to download it)
4) TITLE your video correctly. Add the remix # to the begginng of the title, so if it is the 5th remix, title the video “005 Video Remix Project – BETA” and date it with the correct date.
5) PASS IT ON. Copy and past these instructions into the description of your remixed video so others know what to do.
Sorry for the intense instructions; I know it is asking alot now. I’ll work on making this easier when I can figure out a code to do all this automatically. Til then…
This’ll be fun though once it gets going. I wonder what we’ll end up with!?!?!
(These instructions are also at the google video link)
[tags]video, remix, project, experiment, google, videos, pigeons, experimental[/tags]
Filed under 037 Video, intss blog by on May 26th, 2006. 1 Comment.
Introducing Body Karate!!
BE THE NEXT MUSIC GUEST – submit your your music videos to me at . I’ll do an interview with you and post your music video on the site.
[tags]music, guest, video, rockout, rock, bidy, karate, funtimes[/tags]
Filed under 037 Video, intss blog by on May 25th, 2006. 2 Comments.
[tags]scifi, dragon, slaying, kill, death, scarey, weird, medevil, on, your, ass, magic, wizard, giant, elf[/tags]
Filed under 037 Video, intss blog by on May 16th, 2006. 1 Comment.
Recently I held the 3rd Annual INTSS Sci-fi Spelling Bee at the Beverly Garland Hotel in Studio City, California. I can’t believe Darth Vader showed up?!?!
if you’d like to see more – let me know and I’ll try to edit and post the whole thing.
[tags]darth, vader, scifi, spelling, bee, intss, beverly, garland, hotel, event, star, wars, star, trek, sullouston[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, 037 Video, intss blog by on May 12th, 2006. 14 Comments.
Busy thinking today. I’ve buried myself here in the dirt and sat in this dark cavernous place conjuring up the next thing.
I should get paid for these kind of intense brainstorming sessions.
p.s. that is a snorkel btw, so I can breathe.
[tags]breathe, snorkel, ideas, brainstorming, cash, bury, fun[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on May 8th, 2006. Comment.