To coincide with Laughing in a Foreign Language, artist and comedian Marc Horowitz presents his extraordinary Centre for Improved Living, an open workshop featuring sculptures, videos, performance, life-coaching and conversation with the artist. Addressing a diverse range of subjects from architectural environments, advertising and commerce to happiness and power, Horowitz’s project thrives on a makeshift, DIY aesthetic. Using props, objects and ideas, Horowitz encourages and facilitates exchanges of laughter, provocation, problem-solving and improved ways of living.
— written by the good people at the Hayward
The show opens on March 18th and goes until April 13th. I am planning on doing a talk show in the gallery – have three talk shows a week each lasting an hour with 2-3 guests. Each show would have a topic, taken from daily questions. I would loosely address this topic or question with each of the guests as we do an activity related to the topic. I also plan to have several workshops.
I am looking for the following people to help out, the time commitment is totally up you and we can discuss it.
1) guests to be on the show
2) camera people to run cameras
3) some internet tech savvy folks to make this a live webcast and help with the website
4) a sound technician
5) set builders/ environmental designers
6) creatives who are interested in making props
7) writers to help with some of the guest questions and interstitial segments.
8) A producer/ publicist to help line-up guests
9) some general help
Everyone would get credit and have an opportunity to say they showed at the Hayward! I really see this as a nice community of people coming together and creating something about the real people of London, not just a bunch of celebrity pop-culture bullshit.
If you or someone you know would be interested in this project please e-mail me at ineedtostopsoon at gmail dot com.
I have also posted this on –
Filed under 004 The Center For Improved Living, intss blog by on Jan 14th, 2008. 2 Comments.
Filed under 004 The Center For Improved Living, intss blog by on Jan 5th, 2008. 2 Comments.
I will be giving tours of my apartment during the whole month of January. If you or someone you know is in Los Angeles, don’t miss this special opportunity. Please just send me an e-mail at marc at ineedtostopsoon dot com and we can arrange a specific date and time. Happy New Year!
[tags]marc horowitz apartment tours happy new year january 2008[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Jan 4th, 2008. 1 Comment.
more here –
[tags]marc horowitz center for improved living tcfil nuke gallery paris france jenny mannerheim[/tags]
Filed under 004 The Center For Improved Living, intss blog by on Jan 1st, 2008. Comment.
In Collaboration with Nuke Gallery and Analix Forever Gallery, I produced my first magazine called It’s Good. It contains mostly stuff from The Center for Improved Living. To download the issue go here – . enjoy.
[tags]its good tcfil center for improved living marc horowitz magazine[/tags]
Filed under 004 The Center For Improved Living, intss blog by on Dec 19th, 2007. Comment.
Made a few new sculptures for the center for improved living opening here. They’re for the “At Least You Don’t Have It This Bad Series.”
[tags]marc horowitz art show nuke gallery paris france at least you don’thave it this bad tcfil center for improved living[/tags]
Filed under 004 The Center For Improved Living, intss blog by on Dec 19th, 2007. 1 Comment.
Filed under 004 The Center For Improved Living, intss blog by on Dec 11th, 2007. Comment.
MARC HOROWITZ 1: Would you please explain The Center for Improved Living (TCFIL) blog?
MARC HOROWITZ 2: Oh, I’d love to! TCFIL is simple. Every day I post a new question to the internetters. Something like “What’s the silliest thing you have in your purse or wallet? People answer and we all get to learn a little something about humanity. It’s win/win!
MH1: But Mr. Horowitz, aren’t these questions supposed to “improve your life?”
MH2: Call me “Marc.”
MH1: Alright.
MH2: The questions are improving lives ‘cause they bring people closer together by giving everyone a little peephole into another person’s world. Someone’s answer to “What do you wish you could keep in a jar?” may make someone else laugh for the first time in years. Another may find inner peace by discovering that there’s a guy out there who also imagines God always wearing jeans. Someone might fall in love with the girl that doesn’t believe in socks. The questions make people think about themselves, what’s around them, and give them space to ponder things that they’d never think about in their hurly-burly world.
MH1: Wow, Mr. Horo…I mean, Marc…that actually sounds real nice. But TCFIL is bigger than just this blog. You were telling me earlier that the Center just had an exhibition at Analix Forever Gallery in Geneva and you’re set to have another at Nuke Gallery in Paris and then at SCOPE New York.
MH2: It’s blowing up, Marc. At these shows, I get to really show off what TCFIL is meant to be: a collaboration, a think tank, a place to daydream, a place to “shake it off,” and a place to embrace individuality and that the world around us is a place of infinite possibilities.
MH1: Well, I’ll definitely be there in Paris! Tell me what else you do with your limitless creativity?
MH2: Oh I do all sorts of stuff. I have another blog: That’s where I post my various projects and dreams. I’m pitching some TV comedies at the moment. I’m currently making a series of drawings for the Nuke show. They’re titled, “at least you don’t have it this bad.” One of them is of a guy with saws for hands and he’s trying to eat Chicken McNuggets. I shoot photography for magazines here and there. I also have really vivid dreams, so I try to sleep as much as possible. Rodney Dangerfield usually co-stars in them. He was trying to sell me a hot tub in the last one. Do you dream, Marc?
MH1: Me? Yeah, I dream, but it’s typically about accounting. I have one where numbers don’t exist and I can’t get properly reimbursed for mileage.
(long break for laughter.)
MH2: How’re you doing, Marc?
MH1: Oh, you just make me so happy! Can we get back to TCFIL? I think that’s just so interesting. In your gallery shows, you have made up your own motivational posters. That’s awfully bold of you.
MH2: Thank you.
MH1: Let’s give them a try. Hit me with one.
MH2: “It’s time to do something about something!”
MH1: Woah! That really works.
MH2: “Look out the window. You’re not alone.”
MH1: Bam!
MH2: “I’m really doing it!”
MH1: Enough! I’m frothy with motivation!
MH2: See what I mean? I’m improving your life already. And you know what?
MH1: What?
MH2: While I’m improving your life, you’re also improving mine.
(Long pause for awkward hug.)
MH2: Well, it was great talking with you. We should hang out more.
MH1: I’ll see you in the mirror.
[tags]marc horowitz blast magazine autointerview interview tcfil center for improved living analix nuke gallery art fun[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Nov 24th, 2007. 1 Comment.
I recently had some articles published in Nuke magazine, which is an incredible magazine out of paris –
For the first article, I asked the same questions about Endurance to an avid Mortal Kombat Player and a Hollywood Agent. If you want to see the full size article to read it, go here –
For the other article, Giant Hand, I report on how LA finally solves its traffic problem. For the full size version, go here for text – and here for the image –
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Oct 15th, 2007. Comment.
[tags]video tour Center For Improved Living Show analix forever gallery art marc horowitz TCFIL[/tags]
Filed under 004 The Center For Improved Living, intss blog by on Oct 13th, 2007. Comment.