We all have wishes – big and small, be it things we’d like to own, people we’d like to meet, things we would’ve done differently, hope for global change, desire for the perfect mate, or simply a cold soda on a hot day.
This project is dedicated to you and your wishes. Simply COMMENT TO THIS POST answering the following questions:
1) State your name (first name only is fine)
2) Where you’re from
3) And what you wish for!
My plan is to broadcast your wishes into outer space. Once there are a few hundred, I would make a recording of me reading them all. For example, Josh from Bakersfield, California wishes he had a 2000 foot slip and slide going from his home to his school. Nancy from Cleveland, Ohio wishes for President Bush to fall in a gigantic hole and never come out. Bob from Portland, Oregon wishes he’d never given up on his high school sweetheart. And on, and on.
I would then give the recording to someone like Sent Forever who would broadcast the recording into the furthest reaches of space.
Additionally on a more earthly level, I’m going to go to The Grove here in LA and read all your wishes through a megaphone
I really don’t know what this image is, but it seems like the perfect “wishes in space” gif
Posted by email from marc horowitz’s posterous
Filed under 016 Wishing Space Project, intss blog by on Sep 10th, 2008. 4 Comments.