May 9, 2006
FOX Studios Galaxy Parking Lot Surprise!
I had a meeting today at Fox to come up with a master plan on forever changing the face of television programming. I think it went well.
Upon arriving there, I had to park in “the galaxy parking lot” – exciting, right?!? On my way back to the car, I looked up and low and behold… Julie Andrews was being mocked by a parking gate! What has this world come to? Nothing is sacred anymore!
BONUS: Click here for an incredible synth version of “The Hills are Alive with The Sound of Music”
Filed under Amazing Finds, intss blog by on May 9th, 2006. Comment.
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Comments on FOX Studios Galaxy Parking Lot Surprise!
that’s funny. i hope to see Julie tomorrow when i drop off my german cousin at the Galaxy parking structure but i’m guessing she may no longer be there. I googled the galaxy to double check the street and lo and behold this. a good laugh for a sunday eve. keep up the funny business (just trolled around your site). cheers, nicole