April 25, 2007
I just bought 2 really pathetic websites
these names may mean nothing to you, but I’ve been obsessed with these two characters for most my life. Why? Why did anyone watch Dallas and Falconcrest back to back? It’s just that way (…my mom made me).
Here are the only attributes that come to mind when thinking about these guys.
and the coke filled doors of the dmc-12
[tags]john delorean de lorean ted koppel hair falconcrest dallas http://www.italktotedkoppel.com http://www.imnotjohndelorean.com marc horowitz[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Apr 25th, 2007. Comment.
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Comments on I just bought 2 really pathetic websites
i always wanted to talk to ted koppel’s hair!
You sure that’s Ted Koppel’s hair? Coulda swore that was Prince Charles’s ‘do. Or Alfred E. Newman. Or late 80s David Letterman.
YOU BOUGHT THEM??!? before i could?