iChat at the PhotoNY Show.
Since I couldn’t make it the opening of PhotoNY, I took the cheap, free, and easy method of communicating with visitors and gallery passersby via iChat live video conferencing.
The evening started off rather slow, but as more people starting pouring in and more booze was being consumed, my iChat visit became a bit of a novelty and meeting place.
One guy took his pants off for me, another showed me a project he was working on where he took pictures of what he ate and then took a picture of his bowel movement (I’m glad he carries those photos everywhere), someone tried selling me a Hungarian woman for a wife, another gentleman congratulated me on my success, some gave me lectures on fashion, a couple ladies sang a love song for me, hundreds of pictures and notes were drawn on both sides, several people stopped by to give me long distance toasts and some felt compelled to blow me kisses, even the catering company employees had to see what this was all about.
I guess it was the next best thing to actually being there. Maybe I can start making virtual appearances at other gallery openings… mmmmmm???
There I am at the top all set-up for this 4 hour extravaganza; my work displayed is below, and a selection of visitors follows.
Filed under intss blog by on Oct 8th, 2005. Comment.
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