December 4, 2006
I’m Back
WOW! I have been allover the world the past few weeks. It was incredible! I’m going on a walk now cause I just got home. I don’t know how to feel to be back in LA. Everything is so brown and yellow here. I wish I had a kiwee tree.
Filed under intss blog by on Dec 4th, 2006. Comment.
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Comments on I’m Back
your mom is my school teacher and she gave me ur e-mail so i thought i would say whats up and keep doing what you do
It IS brown and yellow here. On the upside… Cha-Cha lounge?
Dude, I am going to be in CA next week for a few weeks. Do you answer your famous phone anymore? I am laptop-less, so no iChat time. I will call you incessantly until you answer.
PS: I am now a famous performance artist, too. and look at the RENEGADES link.
PSS: I realize I could have written this to your email or on myspace. All these forms now a days seem to blur together.
PSSS: Sometimes at night I look at the stars.
do you even read these