my newest creation
I was told last night by my friend Miguel that he always wants to call my site, so I thought I’d just run wih that. I’ve secured the domain name, and I will have it up and running in the next few weeks hopefully.
Basically it is a site entirely dedicated to pictures of spooning. And very, very soon you’ll be able to submit photos of you or your friends, strangers, pets, trees, etc. engaged in the loving act of spooning. And you can craeat your very own spooning profile.
This is exaclty what the world needs now!
If you’d like to submit spooning pics now, please send em to me at marc at ineedtostopsoon dot com with a caption and I’ll just start posting them. Thanks and I look forward to this!
I am not picking up the art of focusing very quickly – dammit.
[tags]spooning, spoon, love, hug, project, website, action[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Jun 9th, 2006. Comment.
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I loves me some spoonage!