April 23, 2007
New Carroll Avenue Tomorrow.
My landlord passed and before the house went on the market Todd managed a way, and bought my building. Todd is the guy that yells at me about the leaves in my yard in the last episode. I think he’s totally lost his mind now. He is being sued by my friends down the street for a hate crime and he started taking improv classes.
Here’s the other episodes of Carroll ave:
#1 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvQZH1UowYQ
#2 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICC8z-vsQu4
I would have put the episode up today, but my big run-in with Todd happened last night and I need a second to edit the footage.
[tags]carroll avenue los angeles marc horowitz documentary todd[/tags]
Filed under 008 Carroll Avenue, intss blog by on Apr 23rd, 2007. Comment.
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Comments on New Carroll Avenue Tomorrow.
Woohoo! thanks for releasing a new one been waiting a whiiiile
Dude, Todd is super funny. Not because he is actually funny, but because he’s oblivious to what most people take for granted – like not hating people and not burning people’s lawns. I was laughing the whole time.
He is kind of like my doorman here in NYC. Apparently our doorman has a comedy show. He tells people to come and see it while he is eating tunafish sandwiches. There is always a piece of tunafish on his lip when he asks us to come see the show.