I’ve been mostly doing this with post-it note cut-outs and paper with tape. I think it is time to make some proper stickers that have the thought bubble with “i’m in here” on it. If you’d like some, let me know; it could be our own little cult!
Order 25 of them by clicking going here ->
Then take pictures, post them on http://www.flickr.com and send the link to me. It’d be nice to get a whole site for this nonsense one of these fine days.
[tags]marc horowitz stickers i’m in here poop plug sprinkler everywhere graf graff graffiti[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Mar 7th, 2007. Comment.
Above is a video still from this past weekend’s life coaching session I did here in Los Angeles with my organization, The Center for Improved Living.
I was certified as a life coach in 2000 at the acclaimed Syracuse Ramada Inn and ever since I’ve been coaching celebrities and powerful figures such as Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and even Tony Robbins!
I was voted 6th Best Life Coach of the Year by Readers Digest and I am proven to change lives by Life Changes magazine. I’m highly qualified and I’m always met with enthusiasm; I’ve personally been growing for years; I have a beard; I’ve been to seminars; and I’ve studied NLP, SCP, LSP processes amongst other things, making me one of The Country’s Best Life Coaches (aka TCBLC).
Do it now! Give yourself permission to succeed!
I am available for bar mitzvahs, bat mitzvahs, weddings, bachelorette parties, birthdays, and more!
Tony Blair had a fear of ironing things. Just hours after this photo was taken, he was ironing drapes, socks, even his hotel sheets.
Bill and I did an intensive 48 hour session and he overcame his fear of staplers.
I helped Tony write his new seminar, Life is Totally Worth Living!
Note: My books and tapes will be available next year about this time. I have already sold over 7 copies, so get yours today!
[tags]Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, marc horowitz, tony robbins, center for improved living success life coaching bar mitzvahs, bat mitzvahs, weddings, bachelorette [/tags]
Filed under 004 The Center For Improved Living, intss blog by on Mar 5th, 2007. 2 Comments.
I just got the following e-mail:
From: postmaster@mizuho-cb.co.jp
Subject: DELIVERY FAILURE: User not listed in address book.
Date: March 2, 2007 2:59:41 PM PST
To: oshxj@ineedtostopsoon.com
Your message (soggy mitt)?was not deliverd to (naoki.tsuchiya@mizuho-cb.co.jp
I’ve never seen anything like this. I don’t remember writing anyone about “soggy mitt.” Inspiring though to think about a soggy mitt. This could be a whole adventure series – CAPTAIN SOGGYMITT AND BOB clean cars by day and fight evil supervillians by night.
Maybe their first mission was to destroy the man who says “neat” 30+ times a day – seems like an evil person.
I guess Soggymitt’s power could be an incredibly powerful wet slap – a very close range superpower. Bob could make up for that though and shoot easy cheese from his thumbs. So much cheese that it entirely covers the evil villian and he can’t move, then soggymitt comes in for the finishing moves.
What a duo! “Never say ‘neat’ again Mr. Neato!”
[tags]superpower super hero soggymitt bob easy cheese fighting evil[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Mar 2nd, 2007. Comment.
I’ll be in a fancy art show this Saturday from 6-9 at Sister Gallery in Los Angeles China Town. I’ll have a very special surprise from The Center of Improved Living and a snow making machine! Yes… finally!
For more info go to their website: http://www.sisterla.com/
There is going to be some phenomenal artists there: Donald Baechler, Carter Mull, William Pope L., Paper Rad, Jonathan Seliger, Haim Steinbach!
I’m also in a show in Portland, OR at Elizabeth Leach Gallery. So if you are up there check it out. Their website is http://elizabethleach.com/
[tags]gallery art marc horowitz Donald Baechler Carter Mull William Pope L. Paper Rad Jonathan Seliger Haim Steinbach sister gallery elizabeth leach portland oregon events los angeles snow machine center for improved living[/tags]
Filed under Events, intss blog by on Mar 1st, 2007. Comment.
Is there such a thing!?!?!
Completely separate issue, those are the two hardest words for me to spell.
Here is what an oliver pitter and stuffer machine looks like. I have been curious about this for years and I just got right down to the very bottom of it today.
it’s not a very big image but you get the idea. That thing works over time and you know it – think of all the pitted olives consumed in a day.
I wonder what happens when one of the pits gets stuck? Does it shoot olives everywhere like a baseball pitching machine?
Has anyone been to an olive pitting and stuffing factory? I kinda thought it was all hand done, that probably dies with the 50s.
I also thought that if you stretched all your intestines out they would reach the moon. I think I was told that when I was like 6 years old and I believed all the way up until I was 21. How could this happened?
I didn’t learn the order of the months until I was in 5th grade. Seriously, how do these things happen. How can people not know their left from their right still?
We need more books probably.
[tags]books day owl olive pitter stuffer machine intestine marc horowitz[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Mar 1st, 2007. 2 Comments.
I recently photographed Bobcat for Dazed & Confused magazine. It was a dream come true!
Go see his movie “Windy City Heat” and “Sleeping Dogs Lie”.
[tags]Bobcat Goldthwait dazed and confused sleeping dogs lie marc horowitz windy city heat undies[/tags]
Filed under Everything Else, intss blog by on Feb 20th, 2007. 4 Comments.
This is great fun, especially if there is a cool floor like this one. It’s easy, lie down and play dead (note: face down is the most effective).
Seriously impress your friends while scaring people!
After a few moments of “being dead,” get up and laugh about it and make new friends with the strangers that were concerned about your well being.
This is way better than myspace!!!
[tags]myspace, playing dead marc horowitz friends winning[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Feb 19th, 2007. 4 Comments.