Hi, I’m Ryan Mulligan. I was going to interview myself for my first introductory post on the blog, but realized I didn’t have any good questions. Marc has asked me to join here as a poster in hopes of letting the world find out a little about the rag-tag group of friends who work with Marc on his projects. I live in Virginia and cook for strangers in galleries. I teach art, drive my mom’s Outback, and make videos. Actually I could only think of two questions for the interview.
Q 1. Is your name Ryan Mulligan?
RM — Yes.
Q 2. Really?
RM — What?
Q 3. I’m sorry, I said ‘Really?’
RM — Yea, I understood that part I was just asking why you asked that, like you didn’t believe me.
Q 4. Awsome! This is going to be a great interview.
thanks for letting me hang out on the site today.
Filed under intss blog by on Mar 8th, 2006. 2 Comments.
I finally completed Phase Two of the Human Video Game Experiment – Free Piggyback Rides on Rodeo Drive, per your votes! It was a close call with The Group Portraits on LA Subway Cars. You can see the Phase One video, trying on as many clothes as I possibly could at the St. Vincent DePaul’s Thrift Store, by clicking right here.
More HVGE experimentation to come…
Filed under 012 Human Video Game Experiment, 037 Video, intss blog by on Mar 7th, 2006. 2 Comments.
Mulligan sent this to me – painted by Brandon Bird. Incredible! Makes me want to do a painting about Kurt Russell getting attacked by Piranha Vacuums!
[tags]Brandon Bird,ChristopherWalken, painting[/tags]
Filed under Amazing Finds by on Mar 2nd, 2006. Comment.
The site will be going through some changes over the next couple weeks. Lot’s easier to navigate, faster to load, and more materials like ongoing guest bloggers, easy access to past projects, searchable, easier to syndicate (podcast), and a brand new forum coming up.
Hang tight and please give me your feedback so I can make this site a nice comfortable place. Thanks and keep tuning in.
Filed under intss blog by on Feb 27th, 2006. Comment.
Is it humanly possible to eat two pounds of yogurt in one sitting?? I’m going to guess not.
Filed under intss blog by on Feb 23rd, 2006. Comment.
“What exactly is imitation crab meat? ”
I know we have the glorious internet to help us answer all these burning questions, but if you have a long-standing question you’d love to resolve, please let me know. I can and will go to great lengths to answer it. Either post it under comments or send it to me – marc at ineedtostopsoon dot com .
Note: imitation cheese is made out of vegetable oil.
Filed under intss blog by on Feb 21st, 2006. 2 Comments.
Group Portrait 1: Little Joy’s Bar, Silverlake, LA, CA
I ended up doing the free piggy back rides on Rodeo Drive, the project that got the most votes from The Human Video Game Experiment (HVGE) post. It was fun and terribly exhausting. No pictures or videos yet; soon though.
This project you see here is an alteration of one of the HVGE projects listed, group portraits in public places. Originally, I was going to just stick to subway cars, and simply organize everyone on the car into a group portrait. It was too limiting though, so I took it elsewhere.
Please, please. You have to try this. Go into a place, an elevator, a library, a bar, a hot dog stand, a clothing store, your bank, wherever, and organize as many people there as you can into a group portrait. Cheese – and take the picture!!! If you can get everyone there in the picture, I’ll send you a snickers bar. Got it? Most of these people are strangers and you’ll have to do a little convincing.
Oh yeah, you can pose in the photos if you like. Usually there is someone there who is shy, but doesn’t mind taking the picture for you.
Please send your group portrait photos to me, no cheating (not just you and your friends), at – marc at ineedtostopsoon dot com. Let me know where you took it and in what city and state.
Thanks and I can’t wait to see these. I’d like to put all of these in a zine. It’d be special.
p.s. I’ll post some more HVGE projects to vote on soon. I like that project.
Group Portrait 2: CalArts Art Opening, Valencia, CA
Group Portrait 3: William Morris Agency (mailroom), Beverly Hills, CA
Filed under 012 Human Video Game Experiment, intss blog by on Feb 7th, 2006. 1 Comment.
I’m looking to add some advertising on my site for some cash to keep this site going.
I get anywhere between 200,000 hits to 350,000 hits a month. Not your Yahoo! of sites, but a decent amount of traffic.
Not just any ole’ company can advertise here; I’m looking for small businesses, individual artists, green companies, independents, micro-brew companies, illustrators, photographers, graphic designers, web-based companies, clothing designers, architects, product designers, publishers, film makers, general weirdos, and just about anyone else who falls not to far to the left or right of all that.
You’d have a little patch of “land” on the homepage for a month and the advertising model would be very similar to that of boingboing.net .
There are three sizes of advertising depending on how much you want to spend. Additionally, you can purchase space above and below the fold (the part where you need to start scrolling down).
Small – 150 x 60
Medium – 125 x 125
Large – 300 x 60 (at the very top and only one per month)
You can put whatever you like in your little plot, and watch your profit margins grow exponentially!!!
If you are interested, please e-mail me at (marc at ineedtostopsoon dot com) and I’ll send you a price breakdown.
Filed under intss blog by on Feb 6th, 2006. Comment.
The year is 2806 and The Squirrels have taken over Earth. They just love good ol’ live entertainment with humans. What will happen to our race?? What does this mean for cryogenisized (or frozen) humans???
Filed under intss blog by on Feb 4th, 2006. Comment.