Since I couldn’t make it the opening of PhotoNY, I took the cheap, free, and easy method of communicating with visitors and gallery passersby via iChat live video conferencing.
The evening started off rather slow, but as more people starting pouring in and more booze was being consumed, my iChat visit became a bit of a novelty and meeting place.
One guy took his pants off for me, another showed me a project he was working on where he took pictures of what he ate and then took a picture of his bowel movement (I’m glad he carries those photos everywhere), someone tried selling me a Hungarian woman for a wife, another gentleman congratulated me on my success, some gave me lectures on fashion, a couple ladies sang a love song for me, hundreds of pictures and notes were drawn on both sides, several people stopped by to give me long distance toasts and some felt compelled to blow me kisses, even the catering company employees had to see what this was all about.
I guess it was the next best thing to actually being there. Maybe I can start making virtual appearances at other gallery openings… mmmmmm???
There I am at the top all set-up for this 4 hour extravaganza; my work displayed is below, and a selection of visitors follows.
Filed under intss blog by on Oct 8th, 2005. 1 Comment.
I’m in a photo exhibition in Chelsea, NYC tomorrow, see I’m showing two large scale photographs through a great SF based gallery called Yoo Projects.
Here is the piece description:
Soft burden was performed in front of a small live audience on Friday May 13th, 2005 at the Djerassi Artist in Residence Program in Santa Cruz, CA. Marc coated himself with shaving cream; once covered, he removed the shaving cream from himself using a commercial blower.
The photos were taken by Marc using an intervalometer and a tripod.
Archival Digital C-Print: Edition of 5
Dimensions: 32″ x 48″
I made this piece while staying at the ranch of the infamous creator of the birth control pill, the one and only, Carl Djerassi. I think he was secretly thinking to give me some free samples after this piece as a hint not to bring offspring into this world.
Filed under 019 Soft Burden, intss blog by on Oct 5th, 2005. 2 Comments.
I’m finally back. I took a couple weeks to wander the high desert on a bunch of herbal ecstasy pills that I bought at 7-11. No horse, very little water, a complete experience.
I did manage to find the above image at a cosmetic store though.
Filed under intss blog by on Oct 5th, 2005. 1 Comment.
Thanks for all of your votes on the 1,2,3,4,5 posting (see
Card 3 is clearly the winner. So as promised, I will perform the action written on the reverse which reads, “Float an ice cream sandwich across town; see how far you can get.”
Above is a schematic of how I plan to go about this delicate experiment. I will tie several large helium balloons to the ice cream sandwich, preferably while it is still in the freezer as not to waste valuable frozen moments. And in order to cover as much distance as possible in the short time I have before the sandwich melts, I will use a high speed battery powered hand fan to help propel the contraption forward.
I’m guessing I’ll get a couple blocks.
If I could only figure out a way to keep the sandwich frozen longer – any suggestions? This would be a big help.
Filed under intss blog by on Sep 21st, 2005. 3 Comments.
Coming soon…
The Adventures of Lavender and Cyclone!
lavender is a two-headed bat who owns and runs an ice cream truck and Cyclone is a Chinese remote controlled toy who landed a job as a night watchman at a local construction site. They meet at the ice cream truck one day and it all goes from there…
Tune in a couple of weeks for their first all out adventure!!!
Filed under intss blog by on Sep 21st, 2005. 2 Comments.
Get yourself a load of salami, get a plate, spiral the meat from the center out, then take the rest and build a meat tower in the middle. Cut an arrow out of cheese so people know to take meat from the top of the tower and work their way down and out. It’s like eating the tower of babble, only it’s salami and not quite as epic.
Freak out and notate certain things using other edible items. For example, if you are serving a three course meal, for course one, lay out the salad in a one or float little pieces of meat cut in the shape of ones in the soup; for the second course, serve up a mean jalapeno cornbread baked in the shape of a two; and for the third, serve a big three cake! Eating then feels more like a championship bout with Mike Tyson.
Another quick suggestion – using some of the scraps from the meal, make a centerpiece. I made this one in particular for Irvin Kershner using the top of a pineapple, a cutout from the newspaper, and some flowers, leaves, and sticks from his garden. When you’re done, set fire to it for a satisfactory feeling (not pictured and not entirely recommended).
Filed under 002 National Dinner Tour, intss blog by on Sep 19th, 2005. Comment.
I’ve always been totally fascinated with old school conversion van graphics. I’m very sure I’m not the only one out there – I’d even bet there is a cult following or some website devoted entirely to this sort of thing. I saw the above graphic in Los Feliz, CA. I would love to meet the individual who came up with this particular design – what were they thinking exactly?
Yeah, this’ll really make this van look like my spaceship which I still have – storing it in a warehouse back in Arizona. Did I tell ya that I’m from another planet? Everything is blue and white and we celebrate holidays like nobody’s business. I miss those years.
Be on the lookout this week for some van graphics. Snap some shots and send em to me at and I’ll post a little collection! Can’t wait! I really want to see some Midwest van graphics – I remember those to be the best.
Filed under intss blog by on Sep 19th, 2005. 1 Comment.
Click here to listen to the APM piece about the Dinner Tour.
If you’d like to listen to the whole second hour, please visit Weekend America’s Podcast page by clicking here.
Note: A very kind San Franciscan has corrected me – “Weekend America” is NOT an NPR show it is associated, produced, and distributed by American Public Media who shares the public air waves with NPR and the like. My apologies for this. I’m embarrassed, please don’t look at me right now.
Filed under 002 National Dinner Tour, intss blog by on Sep 18th, 2005. Comment.