Tune In. For air times in your area, please check out the http://weekendamerica.publicradio.org/about/stations.php
The National Dinner Tour lives on. I’m in the Southern California region still, so if you’re around please give a call, 510.872.7326. I’m going to try and have a group dinner on the beach.
I’m not sure where I’ll be heading next; the project is a bit tied up at the moment as I’m seeking funding and creative sources to make this continue.
Thanks for your support and a big round of applause to Tania Ketenjian for making the APM piece happen – check out her site, http://radiotania.org/
enjoy your weekend.
Note: For those who don’t get APM’s Weekend America in their area, I’m going to post an mp3 of the interview by tomorrow. Tis a shame the program doesn’t air in my hometown of SF, which I miss very dearly. I love you San Francisco!!!
For the slightly hi-tek, there is a podcast of the program – if you browse or search in your podcast software, the program airs on “APM’s Weekend America” (apm = american public media), or if you can insert a link it is http://weekendamerica.publicradio.org/rss/podcast/podcast.xml (copy and paste).
Thanks for tuning in.
Filed under 002 National Dinner Tour, intss blog by on Sep 16th, 2005. Comment.
I’m finally back after my bout with a very serious cold; I’m still feeling a bit ill though. In my hiatus, I had lots of time to draw; above is a example. This one goes out to Tracy of Staten Island – thanks for your purchase! You can purchase an 8″ x 5″ original signed drawing of your very own by visiting my new store front – click here !! Sure beats another poster of Jim Morrison.
I’ve also been working on some greeting cards; below is a example; you can purchase a set of 3 completely handmade unique cards for $ 15 at the store as well. Just trying to make some gas money in this dramatically inflated fossil fuel nation. Thanks for all you support and I hope you’re in good health!
Filed under intss blog by on Sep 13th, 2005. Comment.
I’ve got a pretty vicious cold that made me sweat through two layers of sheets the night before last. I hallucinated I was in a board game tournament, playing game after game, opponent after opponent – chutes n ladders, risk, pictionary, chess, LIFE – it wasn’t the fun it sounds.
I’m going to take the next few days to recoup. In the meanwhile, I’ll leave you with a story about a time when I got very very very sick!
I was in 8th grade and living in a duplex in Indianapolis, IN. It was winter and I got a nasty flu a terrible fever of about 103. I was trying to nap the flu away, not working, I awoke from my uncomfortable rest and saw the floor was on fire in my room! I panicked and leapt to my feet. I began working up a good bounce in the bed and jumped and rolled into the hallway judo-style to escape the fire. I thought everything was cool until I realized my hair was on fire, so I rushed to the bathroom and dunked my head in the toilet. My fever induced hallucination quickly subsided and I was left standing there with a self-served pseudo-swirlie. It felt a little strange. Moral: never dunk your head in the toilet, even if you are hallucinating.
If you have a good story, please add it!
Filed under Everything Else, intss blog by on Sep 7th, 2005. 2 Comments.
more coming soon…
a big thanks to Kelly Parker (to my right) for filming the evening’s events and suggesting hand-making a centerpiece. Thanks to Rebecca Steele (to Kersh’s right), Kershner’s assistant, for lining this whole thing up! And of course Hak (who took the above picture) saves the day with his incredible cooking abilities – he prepared a beautiful Cambodian four-course meal for the occasion.
Filed under 002 National Dinner Tour, intss blog by on Aug 31st, 2005. 1 Comment.
office catalogues are so inspiring.
click here to watch the opener video for Office Basketball – Season One!!!
a big thanks to Hak Lonh for helping get this thing together… And a thanks to Double Dribble and whatever office catalogue I ripped this image from.
Filed under intss blog by on Aug 30th, 2005. 1 Comment.
1 – ||
2 – ||
3 – ||||||||
4 – ||
5 – |||3 takes it.
This is a project that stems out of years of market research. There are 5 note cards; each representing a number, 1 through 5, and each one has a different action written on the reverse.
This project is very simple; you are to vote on which action I should perform – 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Once the votes are tallied at the end of next week, I’ll go out and put the written action in motion.
I’ll give you two of the actions so you can understand the nature of them:
Action 1 (not corresponding to the number 1):
Knock on Wood Station
This action entails setting up a table in a strip mall and handing out various pieces of scrap wood ranging in size from very small blocks (~ 2”x 2”), the personal size, to larger pieces of scrap wood (~ 12”x 15” x 1.75”), The Mega Knock. The intent is to give folks the option to always knock on wood in warding off negative outcomes when making a future-statement.
If s/he is making a large prediction and desires a very favorable outcome, s/he would require a larger piece of wood, possibly the largest. Those who are making several smaller predictions, wishing several positive outcomes, would be concealed into getting one of the smaller blocks (the personal size). Basically, the larger the piece of wood the bigger the future-statement, thus requiring more wood to knock on for the most favorable of outcomes.
Example: Visitor says, “I just got into a car accident a few weeks ago and it scared the b’jesus out of me. That’ll never happen to me again, I swear. Knock on wood.” This individual would require a medium size piece of wood for their future-statement.
This project was brought to you in a collaboration between me and Judy Prays; and will be executed in such a manner.
Action 2 (not corresponding to the number 2):
I’ll go to the local convenience store and spend two solid hours hanging about the soda fountain (i.e. where you would fill up your Big Gulp if you went to 7-11). I would somehow document my experiences.
That’s it, let the voting begin!!
(please place your votes in the comment section of this blog – 1,2,3,4, or 5)
Filed under intss blog by on Aug 26th, 2005. 20 Comments.
I’m absolutely thrilled out of my mind. A dream come true!
Irvin directed the absolute best Star Wars “Empire Strikes Back.” I saw it on opening day in 1980, I was 4 years old and went with my father to the theatre, a small one outside Bexley, Ohio. We had a great time and really bonded over this film, and it is one of the very few memories I have of my father, and it’s a damn fine one to have.
He’s done a gang of other stuff and probably can spit so many stories it’ll make my head spin off. I can’t wait!
As a token of my appreciation and to get to know him a little better, I’m going to help him with some of his errands and chores; help him fix his intercom system, do a goodwill run for him, coil phone cords, sweep, whatever comes up.
Although Kersh is a stellar cook, we’ll, actually Hak (I’ll just chop garlic and pretend I know what I’m doing), will be cooking for him and some of his guests – on a measly $ 50 – wish us luck!
It’ll be filmed, so tune in for some snippets next week.
Other (un)related business:
I’m really tired today and feeling sort-of uncreative; however, I embraced these fine moments and held the First Annual Junk Food Conference in downtown Beverly Hills. It wasn’t the smash hit I expected and only a few people took interest, but I think next time we need numbers and more props.
Filed under 002 National Dinner Tour, intss blog by on Aug 24th, 2005. 6 Comments.