Okay, I have a problem, and that is that I never really grew up. I made this short but endearing video with my friend Zane; we are having a burping contest to see who can make the grossest, which also, in my opinion, coincides with being the funniest burp. I really think he won, but I got one in at the end that I feel was pretty good.
I really need your input; please take a moment and vote on a few things here:
1) Most importantly, is this incredibly immature or not?
2) Do you still find burping funny? How old are you?
3) Who won? If you like, please state why.
Please place your vote in the comments section. Using a famous Norwegian scientific method, I will calculate the results in a few days.
Filed under intss blog by on Jul 8th, 2005. 7 Comments.
I’m always impressed with those goofy catalogues you get on the plane. Not only are the products incredibly life enhancing but the photography is out of this world. I would’ve loved to have sat in on this photo shoot. What that must have been like?
Art Director turns to group and says:
“Yeah, get rid of the short haired cat and get me a Siamese dammit, they always look more sophisticated and sell more product. Can’t anyone make that white fluffball look more alive and less taxidermied? We need happy pets people, do it, do it now! Come on, these furballs are on the clock – let’s move! Where’s that last Polaroid and who the hell put cream in my coffee, you ALL know I take it black?”
Filed under Amazing Finds, intss blog by on Jun 30th, 2005. 2 Comments.
I found this photo today – they look very happy and very hi-tech.
I’d love to see some of your favorite photos, found or not, and hear about them.
So please do one of the following:
1) post your photo, or a link to it, in the comments section of this blog posting
2) e-mail it to me at marc@ineedtostopsoon.com and I’ll post it for you.
3) or send your photo via post to 2737 McAllister Terrace, San Francisco, CA 94118. I’ll scan it and post it.
Here’s Michelle right before her super hero conference:
Filed under Amazing Finds, intss blog by on Jun 30th, 2005. 1 Comment.
Okay, enough is enough. When will these cell phone companies stop being so damn sneaky? I know I am asking for it by posting my cell phone number all over the world, but… $ 350 minimum a month for my cell phone service – that’s robbery.
I know we all have nightmare horror stories about our cell phone bills and dealings with these communication companies. So let’s hear them!! Please comment on this posting with your personal cell phone horror story and next week when I pay my bill, I’ll include a printout of all of the stories. Even if you don’t have the same service provider I do, don’t worry, I’ll white out the company names. This’ll be good for ’em.
I had also considered sending my checks to my cell phone service provider in a glass soda bottle. I mean it is payment, it does represent a form of deserted islandesque communication that they should appreciate, and the USPS will mail just about anything with a stamp on it. Anyone ever done something like this?
Filed under intss blog by on Jun 30th, 2005. 6 Comments.
Recently I was bequeathed a used bowling ball that wasn’t quite the right fit. Instead of donating it to a charity like I should have, I let my curiosity get the best of me.
I’ve always wondered what’s inside a bowling ball, and without any further delay, it was time to get to the bottom of this age-old query. Click on the video link below to how I carefully and scientifically split this ball in two.
Open the video in a new window
Note: I’m going to start posting videos on this blog once I get some of the kinks worked out. For now, please sample this “test,” but rest assured there’s plenty more where it came from.
Filed under intss blog by on Jun 25th, 2005. 2 Comments.
I stopped and talked to this fella for a while today and when we parted ways he told me “keep on doin’ better things.” I like that – it’s very optimistic and unexpected.
I just finished a 2-litre of soda.
Filed under intss blog by on Jun 24th, 2005. 1 Comment.
I was thinking it would be nice to open my blog up to you for a little while, that is what this whole National Dinner Tour Project is about – you and your life stories. It’ll be nice to hear directly from you, without filtering it through my voice. So let’s try this little experiment.
Take a day, any day, and make a personal account of it. Your account could be a story you write, an old memory, literal documentation, a poem, a few notes from your day, a quote, a picture you drew, whatever you think best represents you and your day’s experiences. So settle on any one day in the week, and wrap it up.
Once you have your day’s account, please do one of the following:
1) post it (or a link to it) in the comments section of this blog posting
2) e-mail it to me at marc@ineedtostopsoon.com and I’ll post it for you
3) send your day’s account via post to 2737 McAllister Terrace, San Francisco, CA 94118.
I’m really looking forward to this! Thanks for your participation and as always, I’d love your feedback on this, suggestions to make it better, general comments, theories, etc.
Filed under intss blog by on Jun 24th, 2005. 3 Comments.
My phone company decided that they wanted to erase my saved messages, and I lost a few of them. I am looking for one name and number in particular. You had called and said you’d heard me on the Don & Mike Show which aired May 19th. You live in Berkeley, CA and are a father of two boys, who were going to perform a “TP Tornado” with your supervision. If you see this, please contact me as soon as possible, I have some exciting news!
Filed under intss blog by on Jun 23rd, 2005. 2 Comments.
This time, it’s for real: Save NPR and PBS
A House panel has voted to eliminate all public funding for NPR and PBS, starting with “Sesame Street,” “Reading Rainbow,” and other commercial-free children’s shows. If approved, this would be the most severe cut in the history of public broadcasting, threatening to pull the plug on Big Bird, Cookie Monster and Oscar the Grouch.
please visit moveon.org to sign a petition to save NPR and PBS.
What would we do without Oscar the Grouch and “This American Life?” If for some crazy ass reason we lose, then I guess we’ll all have to motivate and start our own local pirate radio and television stations. Some friends of mine have already moved in this direction and they’re travelling around the world spreading the good word, check em out Neighborhood Public Radio.
Filed under intss blog by on Jun 23rd, 2005. 1 Comment.