June 17, 2005
Reality Hacker: I’m in this weeks People Magazine!
If you’d like a signed copy of this article, please print out the signature below and then tape it to your copy of People Magazine!
You can send me your magazine and I’ll tape the signature on for you and send it back. Please send all magazines to: 2737 McAllister Terrace, San Francisco, CA 94118; include a self addressed, stamped envelope for the magazine’s return to you.
Filed under 002 National Dinner Tour, intss blog by on Jun 17th, 2005. Comment.
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Comments on Reality Hacker: I’m in this weeks People Magazine!
Unbelieveable People Mag. shout out.
love it.
Do you think you could also sign the pictures of you on the xray exam table about to be wheeled away by two nurses?
the cd is in the mail next week – great shots. i will also enclose a People mag, too. I think I deserve a signature.
re: your lunch the other day….you need to get back on that dinner tour thing to start eating better!
don’t change,
The picture of you looks like a spanish bistro setting and you are something like ernest hemingway. Yes, thats it, this image reminds me of you portraying ernest hemingway. And with how much you talk and write, it seems only appropriate. Too bad you’re such a friggin’ dork.
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Talk about strange. I’m on an airplane returning from a business trip and run across this article. I could swear that we went to high school together! So I get home and ask my husband (a Castle grad…1995), but he doesn’t remember you. Did we go to school together? Mrs. Johnson’s 2nd period drama class? Or am I losing my mind?
Tricia (Walter) Meyer