Some history of me
This is my first press. My mom thought I may turn out to be a gay off-braodway dancer after seeing this picture.
I quit dancing and began taking copious amounts of karate. Yes – I was the world’s most dangerous fighter.
Grew up fast and went to Indiana University for a degree in Business Marketing and a minor in microeconomics.
Got a job in silicon valley after school, hated it. Went to the Art Institute and started making some bad drawings.
and bad sculptures…
Did my first public performance whilst there – free ideas!! Yeah!
Got an artist in residence at the San Francisco Sanitary Landfill. Started making sculptures with all of the stuff I found out there.
How About a Burrito at My Favorite Place?
I posted an ad on asking people to join me for a burrito at my favorite taco truck in Oakland, CA. We met up at a specified time and ordered together. After ordering, I took a picture of my meal date with their food.
We then ate together, discussing whatever. When we finished, I took a photo of their “burrito sculpture,” (a.k.a their trash).
It’s nice to see the person, take into account what they do and who they are, and then see how they fidget with thier leftover food and trash eventually completing their sculpture.
Pete – Collage Artist and Graphic Designer
Filed under 033 personal history, intss blog by on Feb 19th, 2001. Comment.
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Comments on Some history of me
The breakdancing picture taken in Alum Creek Park — is that Alum Creek Park near Columbus, Ohio?