The Country’s Best Life Coach (aka TCBLC)
Above is a video still from this past weekend’s life coaching session I did here in Los Angeles with my organization, The Center for Improved Living.
I was certified as a life coach in 2000 at the acclaimed Syracuse Ramada Inn and ever since I’ve been coaching celebrities and powerful figures such as Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and even Tony Robbins!
I was voted 6th Best Life Coach of the Year by Readers Digest and I am proven to change lives by Life Changes magazine. I’m highly qualified and I’m always met with enthusiasm; I’ve personally been growing for years; I have a beard; I’ve been to seminars; and I’ve studied NLP, SCP, LSP processes amongst other things, making me one of The Country’s Best Life Coaches (aka TCBLC).
Do it now! Give yourself permission to succeed!
I am available for bar mitzvahs, bat mitzvahs, weddings, bachelorette parties, birthdays, and more!
Tony Blair had a fear of ironing things. Just hours after this photo was taken, he was ironing drapes, socks, even his hotel sheets.
Bill and I did an intensive 48 hour session and he overcame his fear of staplers.
I helped Tony write his new seminar, Life is Totally Worth Living!
Note: My books and tapes will be available next year about this time. I have already sold over 7 copies, so get yours today!
[tags]Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, marc horowitz, tony robbins, center for improved living success life coaching bar mitzvahs, bat mitzvahs, weddings, bachelorette [/tags]
Filed under 004 The Center For Improved Living, intss blog by on Mar 5th, 2007. Comment.
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Comments on The Country’s Best Life Coach (aka TCBLC)
Wow. I’ve never talked to a real-life TCBLC. I’m in awe.
We have been surfing the Internet for 6 years looking for the TCBLC and low and behold you just appear out of the blue. Our search is over. We can rest easy now. Seeing you with TR and his arm around you was IMPRESSIVE. After all he claims to have invented life coaching, about 10 years before it was truly developed by someone else. The Al Gore of life coaching.
We hope to see you on the Daily Show soon, and surely you will represent the finest aspects of life coaching. John Stewart has done a tribute to Life Coaches and hopefully he will see your blog and contact you for a guest appearance.
Good luck