The Center For Improved Living is at it again… The Universal Temp
As a part of The Center For Improved Living, I offer to take over people’s jobs for a day. They stay home and I go to work for them, whatever their job is.
Just a few months ago, I had a raffle at a contemporary art fair. About 50 people left thier business card in hopes of a day off. I just drew two names at random and it looks like I’ll be subbing for an administrative assistant at the Musuem of Contemporary Art and filing in for an attorney.
Wish me luck, and if you live in the Los Angeles area and want a day off, send me an e-mail with your contact info and I’ll have another raffle at the end of the month.
I’l try to get some video of my experiences.
Filed under 004 The Center For Improved Living, intss blog by on Apr 5th, 2006. Comment.
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