Thought of the day: Toilet Seat Covers
Toilet Seat Covers – Why are they so pathetic!??!! I remember when I saw my first toilet seat cover – I thought, ” finally I will never have to lay down toilet paper again!” Wrong – 8 times out of 10 I usually resort to the old fashioned method of carefully placing pieces of TP round the seat.
Those damn covers always rip when you try to get them out of the perforated box. Then you have to carefully tear out the center part, and once you get that all worked out on your 2nd or 3rd try, you have lay it down just right or the center part starts taking water too fast and the whole damn thing sinks into the bowl. To top that, at the sort of establishments I hang out, there is usually no lock on the stall door, making it a bit more urgently painful. And god knows whose what sort of rump has touched that seat before mine!
Here are a few techniques that you may wish to consider if you are suffering from toilet seat cover frustration:
Make a rubber seat cover and carry it with you.
Lacquer your ass.
Use the hover technique.
Ask management to install Turkish toilets.
Hold it in using a cork or sheer will.
Use my newly patented pending NIKE AIR TOILET and never again sit on a dirty seat.
(I’m trying to get Nike to sponsor this, then I can put a swoosh on the side – The Nike Air Toilet!!! Awesome. If you know anyone over there let me know)
But really in the end, what are you going to get from a toilet seat anyhow? As Columbia University’s Health Promotion Program sums it up: “Because toilet seats are not major culprits in spreading disease, paper or plastic seat covers offer little more than peace of mind. In fact, you have more to fear from bathroom door handles and faucets than from commodes.”
So all this for nothing.
[tags]toilet seat covers marc horowitz nike air poop pee dirty columbia university health promotion program[/tags]
Filed under 001 Imagination, intss blog by on Apr 13th, 2007. Comment.
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Comments on Thought of the day: Toilet Seat Covers
You DO realize that there are millions more germs on the handle of the door to the bathroom than on the toilet seat…right? That being said, I still thank my mother for teaching me the graceful art of hovering.
nice, the AIR handles would get you sick before the sseat they are defending you from, perfect inventino!!