Vent About Your Cell Phone Bill Here.
Okay, enough is enough. When will these cell phone companies stop being so damn sneaky? I know I am asking for it by posting my cell phone number all over the world, but… $ 350 minimum a month for my cell phone service – that’s robbery.
I know we all have nightmare horror stories about our cell phone bills and dealings with these communication companies. So let’s hear them!! Please comment on this posting with your personal cell phone horror story and next week when I pay my bill, I’ll include a printout of all of the stories. Even if you don’t have the same service provider I do, don’t worry, I’ll white out the company names. This’ll be good for ’em.
I had also considered sending my checks to my cell phone service provider in a glass soda bottle. I mean it is payment, it does represent a form of deserted islandesque communication that they should appreciate, and the USPS will mail just about anything with a stamp on it. Anyone ever done something like this?
Filed under intss blog by on Jun 30th, 2005. Comment.
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Comments on Vent About Your Cell Phone Bill Here.
Anodos @ 4:32 pm
My cell phone company totally sucked (t-mobile)…they were extremely evasave about informing my wife and I exactly what it was we were and were not being charged for. They told us in these words, 1000 free minutes, free weekends, free nights, free voicemail…blah, blah blah. So we get our bill and it comes out to at least 20 % more than what it should have been, we barely usd up any minutes, they charged a $1 dollar connection fee every time we checked our voicemail depending on what number we dialed ( it a was a choice between dialing 123 or holding down 1), we got chraged more if went over on our minutes. when we went over on our minutes appearantly free nights and weekends no longer applied. After sucking up and just paying the darn bill and noticing these sneaky charges, I decided to look at the copy of the contract we signed, and I swear I must have read it at least five times and never did it say anything about free weekends and nights cease if you are over on your minutes, nothing about connection fees to check your messages (read through the fine print and all, just talked about fcc regulations and taxes) and it turned out, though whatever sales person included it in the contract, I forgot what service it was, but when speaking to a customer service rep, there was a feature the contract said was included in the package, and the rep told me it was not and would cost an extra 15 a month. I guess you just can’t win…
National Dinner Tour @ 4:40 pm
this is good, let’s get it all out.
Emily B. @ 3:31 pm
My cell phone bill has been so nuts recently!!! over $300 two months in a row!! (I have Cingular/At&T) They have a way online to see how many minutes you’ve used and how many remain. But, no matter HOW closely I watch those minutes, we still go way over somehow. Then, they never told us that cell to cell is only good when we are both on the Cingular network! So there’s MORE minutes used. *sigh* They charged us a $1.50 everytime we used 411. Nobody ever told us it was gonna cost. It didn’t last month. I would love to change companies especially since we cant even GET phone service out here. But a lot of companies don’t get out here. So then we tried to reduce the minutes since we wouldnt be using that many anymore. But then they wanted to charge my husband and I $18 each to changeover to Cingular…we were with AT&T ’till Cingular bought it. THEN because supposedly our contract with AT&T wasn’t fuffilled yet they were gonna charge us $100 per phone!!! Somehow, someway…we are changing companies. They can stick their cancelation fee….well u get the idea.
bitsy @ 7:34 am
i am currently cell-phone-less. my contract was almost up with my old company (att) when my phone was lost/stolen; i cancelled the service of course upon realizing the loss, but nonetheless i got a huge bill and could not understand how it had come to be that amount. since att could not give me any clear answer, i just let the whole thing go—no more phone, no more att, and i didn’t pay the bill. i know this will screw up my credit and that i’ll have to pay them eventually, but it’s satisfying not to do it for at least a little while—the only bit of recourse i have. meanwhile, i’m a writer/editor and at the moment am working on a project for an ad agency (frighteningly illuminating, but that’s another story). one of the clients is another cell phone company—so i am actually dealing on a regular basis with the fine print of their offers. how absurd to be reading this stuff and trying to guarantee that it makes sense, when it’s never going to make sense: so-and-so is included except that it isn’t; this-and-that are free except not really; there are no roaming fees except when there are. plus, the kicker—if you want a bill stating only how much you owe, that’s “free” (a free bill! great!), but if you want an explanation of exactly why they think you owe this…well, that will actually cost you. (a bill. will cost you. what is wrong with these people?!)
laura @ 9:22 pm
You want to know why the cell phone companies are such nightmares? Because of the quality of people working for them.
Not once, but TWICE – *2 different people* at my cell phone company explained to me that Hawaii is a foreign country and THAT is why I have incurred international charges.
Not only did the people programming the rate information decide that Hawaii is a foreign country, but apparently their customer service department is under the impression as well.
Nice, huh?
Anonymous @ 1:55 pm
Is Alaska a foriegn country as well?