Video Remix Project – BETA
This is the start of a video remix project I’d like to try out.
The idea is that someone will download the original video titled “000 Video Remix Project – BETA” from Google videos. He/She will remix the video, then repost the modified video, now titled “001 Video Remix Project – BETA,” to google videos for someone else to download, remix, and repost as “002 Video Remix Project – BETA.” And so on – 003, 004, 005, etc.
Here’s the instructions:
1) DOWNLOAD the most recent remixed video – look at the number in the title. Here is the very first version –
To make sure you have the most recent, you can do a search on google video for “video remix project – BETA” and pick the highest number. Make sure you choose the correct format – I find that “video iPod” is the only format that works on macs and “windows/mac” works only for windows.
2) REMIX the video!! Add stuff, subtract stuff, make it all new, have a piece of pizza fly through the scene, whatever you want to do!
3) REPOST your remixed video to google videos. Here’s how to do this: (a) sign-in or sign up for a google video account. (b) If you don’t have it already, get the easy-to-use video upload software from google at . Download the appropriate version of the software, depending on which platform you use, and install it. (c) open the video upload program upload your remixed video. (d) Then go to your google video account and click on the video to add all the necessary info. (NOTE: DO NOT post your remix at – noboby will be able to download it)
4) TITLE your video correctly. Add the remix # to the begginng of the title, so if it is the 5th remix, title the video “005 Video Remix Project – BETA” and date it with the correct date.
5) PASS IT ON. Copy and past these instructions into the description of your remixed video so others know what to do.
Sorry for the intense instructions; I know it is asking alot now. I’ll work on making this easier when I can figure out a code to do all this automatically. Til then…
This’ll be fun though once it gets going. I wonder what we’ll end up with!?!?!
(These instructions are also at the google video link)
[tags]video, remix, project, experiment, google, videos, pigeons, experimental[/tags]
Filed under 037 Video, intss blog by on May 26th, 2006. Comment.
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Comments on Video Remix Project – BETA
remix posted. blah.